World Soundscape
Procedural music C++/OpenAL console application under development based on real time astronomic and weather data. The app includes music systems with guitar & voice and web services integration with OpenWeather, U.S. Naval Observatory and Sunrise-Sunset.
︎ GitHub respository
︎ GitHub respository
Salt Flat / US
high levels of activity due to the elevated wind speeds
high levels of activity due to the elevated wind speeds
Baglica / Turkey
minimal activity due to the low wind speeds
Mouhijärvi / Finland
darkness and high cloudiness levels result in a dark-sounding scale
Musical system parameters
Wind speed:
higher wind speeds within a specified range result
in more sounds and more density.
Humidity: higher humidity levels contribute to increase the amount of reverb in the output.
Weather: the prevailing weather condition (e.g. “clouds”) and its description (e.g. “broken clouds”) impact the selection of notes played throught a point system. Data retrieved from
Sunrise and sunset: the day is divided in different phases based on the night-day cicle. These phases are known as astronomical dawn, nautical dawn, civil dawn, morning, afternoon, civil dusk, nautical dusk, astronomical dusk and night. Each time of the day has a different mood and it affects the musical scale to be used. Data retrieved from
Temperature and wind speed: these two combined parameters shift the tonal center through an intervalic complex system.
Humidity: higher humidity levels contribute to increase the amount of reverb in the output.
Weather: the prevailing weather condition (e.g. “clouds”) and its description (e.g. “broken clouds”) impact the selection of notes played throught a point system. Data retrieved from
Sunrise and sunset: the day is divided in different phases based on the night-day cicle. These phases are known as astronomical dawn, nautical dawn, civil dawn, morning, afternoon, civil dusk, nautical dusk, astronomical dusk and night. Each time of the day has a different mood and it affects the musical scale to be used. Data retrieved from
Temperature and wind speed: these two combined parameters shift the tonal center through an intervalic complex system.